Switzerland (Bern)
Angela Zwahlen
Angela Zwahlen spent all of kindergarten in the drawing corner. Later, this passion became her profession and she trained to become a teacher of visual arts. Even during her studies, the sketchbook was part of her luggage and accompanied her on every journey. After her training, Angela Zwahlen worked as a freelance illustrator. Today she works as a drawing teacher and can occasionally be found as a court draughtsperson at trials.
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Language skills:
German, English, French, Italian
Workshop SA01 (German): September 11, 09:00-12:00
Sketching with coloured pencil
In this workshop we will work with coloured pencils: Drawing pencils, which we have all known since childhood. When sketching, we are on the one hand precise observers, on the other hand we interpret what we see and try to use colour in an unusual and courageous way. In doing so, we pay attention to the choice and composition of our colour palette, limit ourselves to a few shades and pay attention to our stroke.
Coloured pencils